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Translation App For Mac

Google’s language translation service available at is one of the most commonly used translation services on the web, and because it is now integrated in Google’s web browser Chrome, its usage has increased further. I personally use Google Translate a lot, for day to day translation while reading books, documents etc and can vouch for it, it is certainly one of the best ones in the industry. The frustrating part is that while I’m reading a book or document, watching a movie and need a quick translator, I have to open the web browser, visit the Google Translator URL, and then copy paste or type in. Usually this is not a problem, but can become annoying if you have to do this repeatedly. Lingoo is a small freeware app for Mac OS X that brings the Google Translate service to your desktop.

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Translation App For Mac

Offline dictionary and translator for iPhone. It's not the most jaw-dropping app in this collection, but iTranslate is a solid and dependable translation dictionary. Modern Translator 6 is a big update which brings Material Design and Mac support to the app. And to celebrate this release, here are 20 promo codes for you to try out the app free of charge. The new version 12 supports translation between 91 languages, and with text-to-speech (TTS) support for 46 languages, which makes it an ideal language learning app as well. For the Chinese language, Easy Translator now supports two spoken dialects: Mandarin and Cantonese. Mate is the best translator app for both instant-text-to text translations as well as speech translations. That means you can talk directly into your iPhone or Apple Watch and Mate will speak back to you in whatever language you choose.

It's an easy-to-extend framework that can save hours of your valuable time every day! Jdownloader for mac. JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. Software Description: JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. JDownloader should update with any new features and changes and apply as necessary overtime. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more.

It sits in your status bar as a small book shaped icon, and you can bring up its interface by a global shortcut (which is Cmd + Option + L by default). The above screen shows Lingoo in a more detailed translation mode.

Lingoo has 3 modes or views, suitable for different purposes. • Single Line – If all you have to translate is a single word or a phrase, this is the most suitable view. Very small and minimalistic. • Multi-line – For a small paragraph or multiple lines, but quick translation, use this view. • Double Pane – For bigger edits, like complete pages or documents, or if you’d like to see the original text and translated text simultaneously, use this view. Screen already included above. In each of these views, there is a small tick mark on the bottom left corner.

Having this ticked is equivalent to the ‘Detect language’ option from Google Translate, and it works pretty well, in my case, it has never wrong guess a language. In the rare case you do need to manually specify the language of your source text, you can uncheck this tick box and select the language from the drop down list. Right next to it is the drop down list for target language. Default is set to English. Another very useful feature is a keyboard shortcut for ‘Show with clipboard data’.

When you use this shortcut (by default Cmd + Option + C) Lingoo is opened and the clipboard contents are pasted to it. You can take this a level further by enabling auto-translate when called from clipboard from the preferences. That way, with one keyboard combination, you can achieve your result. Filed Under: Tagged With:.

Description Microsoft Translator is a free, personal translation app for 60+ languages, to translate text, voice, conversations, camera photos and screenshots. You can even download languages for offline translation for free to use when you travel! Takavach Awesome I am from iran but i am living in Turkey and I don’t know Turkey so i have no other choices to speaking English with people of Turkey which is so hard because there is few people here who can speak English and i need to buy too many things from stores which is 99 percent in Turkey language so i start to search for something better than google translate and i test this one now. It’s not good in Persian language which is my native language but it’s working like a charm for Turkey to English and I didn’t expect that because i have too many problems with google translate these days. Thanks for this amazing app and please if you can upgrade the Persian language too. Besides of that we need live translation too and we will pay for the good quality of it too because it’s super useful in outside of our home and we can not forcing the people to installing this app for having the live transition.

Thanks again and keep up and good work. Takavach Awesome I am from iran but i am living in Turkey and I don’t know Turkey so i have no other choices to speaking English with people of Turkey which is so hard because there is few people here who can speak English and i need to buy too many things from stores which is 99 percent in Turkey language so i start to search for something better than google translate and i test this one now. It’s not good in Persian language which is my native language but it’s working like a charm for Turkey to English and I didn’t expect that because i have too many problems with google translate these days. Busy bea's halftime hustle level 10. Thanks for this amazing app and please if you can upgrade the Persian language too. Besides of that we need live translation too and we will pay for the good quality of it too because it’s super useful in outside of our home and we can not forcing the people to installing this app for having the live transition.