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Javascript Syntax Highlighting Does Not Work In Vs 2017 For Mac

I found answer here: These are the steps to fix it: If the “Universal Windows App Development Tools” are still installed: • Go to Programs and Features, select Visual Studio 2015, click Change. • In Visual Studio setup, click Modify.

Visual Studio 2017 significantly cuts down the time it takes to install, open Visual Studio, and write code in your solution. Have bibleworks fonts for mac. The new Visual Studio installer gives you the freedom to pick and choose exactly what you want installed. Tried deleting cache, didn't work, I could not find the 'Visual Studio Extension for Textmate Grammars' extension to actually install it, probably only for visual studio code. #18130 Visual studio 2017 Enterprise v15.5.6.

Javascript Syntax Highlighting Does Not Work In Vs 2017 For Mac

• Deselect the feature “Universal Windows App Development Tools” • Select “Universal Windows App Development Tools” again, and click Update. If you have already uninstalled the “Universal Windows App Development Tools”: • Reinstall “Universal Windows App Development Tools” • Or, take the following steps to reinstall the JavaScript project system and language service: • Download the installer for your edition of Visual Studio, e.g., vs_community.exe. • Open a CMD window, and run the following command: vs_community.exe /modify /installselectableitems JavaScript_Hidden /passive I've followed the first steps and got back Javascript support. Hope this helps -UPDATED- After I did the above steps, almost everything was working, except that I got an error message every time I opened a.js file, the following did the trick: My guess is that only reinstalling the SDK didn't update the MEF cache.

You can do this manually by following these steps: Open a command prompt as administrator • CD into C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 Common7 IDE • Run devenv /updateconfiguration • Run devenv /clearcache That got rid of the last error, and everything is working fine. I know this question is clearly targeting Visual Studio 2015. Hp deskjet 1010 for mac. However, I wanted to put my two cents in for those who desperately tried out if the accepted answer also works for Visual Studio 2017.

In my case, the loss of syntax highlighting was caused by the new javascript language service. I got it back right after deselecting the following checkbox and restarting Visual Studio: Tools > Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Language Service > Enable the new JavaScript language service.* Reference.