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Eventide Blackhole For Mac

UPDATES: 2.4.0 Fixed a potential issue where audio processing could be interrupted V2.3. Pin by harsh gupta on best browser for mac. 1 Fix crash when changing manual tempo Fix problem where tempo could inadvertently be changed while in Tempo Sync mode V2.3.0. Results of eventide blackhole mac torrent: Free download software, Free Video dowloads, Free Music downloads, Free Movie downloads, Games.

There are hundreds of reverb plug-ins to choose from, but none quite like Eventide's Blackhole. Based on their hardware stomp-box of the same name, Eventide's Blackhole native plug-in is described as a 'massive reverberator', and draws its inspiration from an algorithm first developed for their DSP4000 processor (the same algorithm was later included in the H8000). It runs on both Mac OS and Windows machines, with AU, AAX and VST plug-in formats supported.


Eventide Blackhole Mac Rutracker

An iLok dongle is required, and a time-limited demo version is available so that you can try before you buy. Whereas most reverb effects are designed to emulate real spaces or plates, Blackhole is intended to create more abstract spatial effects for use in sound design or experimental music. If you're after a subtle plate to add to vocals or 'a bit of wet' for the drums, this is most definitely not the reverb to choose! The reverb controls on offer mix the familiar with the weird.

The Mix, Size, High and Low EQ and Pre-delay parameters all do what you expect, but the Gravity knob is not quite so commonplace. It turns out to be the Blackhole's equivalent of decay time, but it also switches the algorithm from a conventional reverb in one half of its travel to a reverse-envelope type in the other.

At no time does the reverb time ever get short enough to be termed modest! Size, predictably enough, adjusts the subjective size of the synthesized environment, spacing out the reflections at higher settings and bunching them up at smaller settings. At the smallest size setting, the reverb sounds like the inside of a coffee tin! There's also an innocent-looking Tempo button. When this is switched off, the pre-delay time is shown in milliseconds, up to a maximum of two seconds. In Tempo Sync mode, the pre-delay tempo is locked to that of the host DAW, and the Pre-delay value is measured in musical beats.

In Tempo Manual mode, the tempo is set by entering your own numerical value, up to a maximum of 300bpm, the Pre-delay control again being used to set the beat division. Of course, there's more to the Blackhole than big reverbs with tempo-sync'ed pre-delay. The weirdness factor comes largely from the reverse reverbs and the modulation section, where Mod Depth and Mod Rate parameters affect the reverb tail in a more-or-less chorus-like manner. Used gently, this can emulate the modulation found in more 'normal' studio reverbs, but there's enough range to produce more obvious churning effects. Amazing photo video apps There's also Resonance, which peaks up the resonance of the high and low filters, so even the EQ is not as conventional as it might first appear. A Kill button mutes the the dry input to the reverb section, so you can audition the way the reverb tail decays, while Freeze mutes the input and causes the current state of the reverb tail to be perpetuated until the next power cut.